Welcome to The PassioKnit Spinner

Als ich The PassioKnit Spinner vor 8 Jahren gründete, entschied ich mich dazu meine Internetpräsenz auf englisch zu führen, weil ich damit eine viel größere Reichweite habe. Ich freue mich selbstverständlich über alle deutschsprachigen Besucher. Meine buchbaren Kurse kann ich sowohl auf deutsch, als auch auf englisch halten. Schreibt mich gerne an!

Falls du Fragen zu meiner Internetseite oder meinen Produkten hast, melde dich gerne.

Who am I?

I´m Tracy. I´m a maker.

I started knitting when I learned in elementary school and never really stopped. For the last 20 years I´ve been knitting more and more and added other fiber/textile related hobbies.

Spinning has become one of my favorite hobbies and my favorite thing to teach others.

But I also sew, quilt, weave, embroider, and crochet.

The PassioKnit Spinner started out as a video podcast in December 2014. Over the years it grew into a small business. I have been teaching and talking about my passions on Patreon since September 2020.

In 2022 I started to get serious about knitting pattern design again. A decade ago, I already published 20 patterns. Those are being re-worked and released again right now.

In 2022 I took the plunge and opened a small open studio with an integrated shop. To start small, I opened this studio in our house, where I have a beautiful room dedicated to my crafting.

The ultimate goal for myself is to create a handmade wardrobe, filled with sustainable clothing that fits my body and is exactly how I want it to be.

But as I tend to make more things than I´m able to use myself, I decided to open the shop to sell items I made there.

I hope you will find something you like here. This is my passion and I´m so happy I get to share it with you.